Sunday, February 28, 2010

ETSY treasuries!

Once I figured out how to do it, I absolutely love making treasuries on ETSY.  It is so much fun browsing through all of the beautiful art that ETSY has to offer and then curating my own little art show.  The only problem is there are so many treasuries, that it is pretty difficult to get any exposure.  So... I thought I would share some screen shots of my last few treasuries here!  I also thought I would give a quick tutorial for those of you who haven't yet become addicted to creating your own little miniature online exhibit.

Step One... log onto your ETSY account and go to the poster sketch tool.  This is a great place for you to set up and play with your images.  You don't need to save anything, all of the images that you choose will be uploaded automatically.  It is a very easy site to use.  Simply choose your images and put in the listing ID and voila- there it is.  You can simply use your mouse to drag and drop images anywhere that you would like.

Step Two... Once you have opened up the poster sketch tool, you are going to need a theme ... either a subject matter theme or a color scheme.  Color schemes tend to work best- and from what I can tell, they are more likely to be chosen for a front page.   Once you choose your theme, simply search ETSY for your images.  Because so many people make treasuries based on color, all of your ETSY listings should have the colors in your photograph listed under your tags.  And remember, you can fit more than one word on a tag.  For example- "blue, green, gold" can be one tag.  ETSY doesn't really allow you to put in more than one of your own pieces in any given treasury.

Step Three... So, you have your poster sketch completed.  Go to the bottom of the page and click the copy button for the listing ids.  I then paste this in a word file and move each id onto a separate line so it will be super easy to copy and paste.  If anyone knows of some other way to get the items from the poster sketch tool to the actual treasury... please let me know!!!

Step Four.. Go to    This site will not only let you know if your work is currently in any treasuries, but it has a nifty "Treasury clock" that will tell you when the next treasury will be opening.  Treasuries only allow new entries when the number goes below 222.... but once it goes below, they usually let in a number of treasuries at one time (which is why the number goes way over 222).  This is a totally great website!  I don't think I would ever get a treasury without it.  So, when the arrow gets into the red and it says "Opening soon." you need to be logged onto your ETSY account, and click on the "click here for treasury button" on the craftopolis site. There are two treasuries... the main treasury & treasury west.  You can only be in one treasury at a time.

Step Five... You are logged into your etsy account and you are now waiting for the treasury to open.  DO NOT REFRESH YOUR SERVER.  I spent a long time refreshing, and by the time the site would upload, I would have missed my chance.  It will automatically refresh itself.  You should be scrolled to the bottom of the page where it says "treasury is full"... when the time is right, a space will open up and you will be able to type in the name of your treasury.  You can't change it later, so choose wisely!

Step Six.. Copy and Paste your listings into the boxes- and you are done!  ETSY frowns against sending out notices to people that you have included them in your treasury.  They think it is kind of like spam.  I do notify a few people, just because I would want people to tell me... but be careful.  If you send out a bunch of e-mails at one time, your conversations will be cut off. 

Now you are on your way to making Treasuries and discovering new favorites!  Hope this is helpful:-)  It has been raining cats and dogs here - so I haven't been able to photograph my last painting.  I hope to get it uploaded this week, and I also will have a little giveaway too!  Have a beautiful week!

1 comment:

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Thank you for the tutorial. I managed to snag an etsy treasury once, and it was a lot of fun to do. I haven't been so fortunate lately to try and create one. But I keep checking!!! :) The one you made is absolutely beautiful. Theresa

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