Sunday, January 2, 2011

new year - more promises...

With each new year comes new promises.  Some of the promises I keep.  Some I consciously decide I am not ready for.  Others simply fall by the wayside.  My vision board this year is full of broken promises to myself.  I joked with my partner that I don't even need to do a new vision board this year - since I pretty much haven't met any of last years goals.  As I get older, I realize that so much of my life is lived in the moment.  I want to be this super organized planner of my life, but life doesn't really work out that way. 
Having children just makes that even more so.
But I do think that having some written goals are important.  So, here are a few
  1. I want to show more gratitude.
  2. I want to be present for my children.
  3. I want to be present in my relationships.
  4. I want to continue to strive for a life where aside from family, art can be at my center.
I haven't written in my blog for a while.  My son started daycare, which has meant we have all been super ill for the last three months.  I just finished my last antibiotic- but am not feeling all together healthy.  My job situation changed recently, and due to some pretty hefty budget cuts to mental health services for children, I am back to doing an old part of my job that I had hoped I was done with. I have also been focusing some of my creative energy on a new ETSY store that I created that is centered around some of the artwork  I have been making for my son.
 So I have been busy - but I have missed writing my blog and reading the comments that are left for me.  This blog is important to me, and I love the people I have met through it- so it is something that I feel I want to recommit to this year.  So, sorry I have been absent.  I will try to be better:-)

Happy New Year!
May the year bring you laughter, creativity, love, beauty, inspiration, wonder, and connection.


Diane said...

I'm so glad to see you and your art back--you have such a talent to share. It's very hard when you have young children to do anything!!
But I love your commitment to yourself--everything else will work out when you're content in your life.

rebecca said...

love you and support your intension for being present in family, friends and creative expression for the new year.
love seeing you!!!
thanks for lifting the veil in this bold new year and sharing your heart!


Theresa MacNaughton said...

It is SO wonderful to hear from you again!!! I've very much missed hearing from you. Congrats on opening up a new shop - I LOVE your new artwork! It's so vivid and happy and fun. I can understand why your son would love it. :) Here's hoping you have an enchanting and magical (and healthy) New Year! Theresa

Angela said...

What beautiful artwork! I am so impressed and inspired.

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