Monday, September 27, 2010

Handy Dandy Random Number Generator

I tried a new number generator from psychic science!  
The winning comments were - comments 18, 35, and 22.  
Congratulations to Rebecca, Carol, and Wendy!  
Thanks everyone for visiting my blog and leaving such sweet comments.
Hope you have a wonderful week.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Practical Magic- Sisters


What super fun- and believe me when I say that this has been the best escape for a pretty terrible evening.

The thing that speaks to me most about this film is the relationship between the sisters.  My sister and I are incredibly close, and  although we don't live near enough- we communicate constantly and I would definitely drive across the country if it meant helping her in some way.  She is a part of my heart.  With that, I am dedicating this little piece to her.  A quick aside, I ended up needing her tonight- and she came to my rescue- from a thousand miles away.

The piece was created in a "Romeo Y Julieta" cigar box.  
I was waiting to use it for the right project- what better than for a piece about love?


young and beautiful 
she exposes her heart

the butterflies speak to 
vulnerable transformations


innocent strong
amidst cold crystal branches

and glittering blossoms
romantic but safe

I am not sure which sister I am, and which is my sister... but the love feels familiar.
Wishing everyone a happy practical magic blog party!

OH.... how about a giveaway!
I will give away a glass charm pendant with my image of Sally or Gillian - you can pick. 
How about 3 lucky winners!
I will choose from comments on Sunday!

I will be working all day on my daughter and son's birthday party,
but can't wait until this evening when I can sit down and enjoy the party!
Feel free to comment:-)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Haiku my heart - Tangled Red

In searching for a haiku picture today- I found this picture in my archive.  I think I was in my early thirties.  I don't remember taking this picture at all.  I thought it was funny- especially since I wonder about where my daughter gets her theatricality from.  When I was in my twenties one of my favorite things to do was to set up my tripod, get dressed up in outlandish costumes and take pictures.  I can't imagine doings such a thing today.  When someone shows up with a camera, I hide.  In 11 days, I will be celebrating my birthday.  I think maybe this year, I will try to get over my recent fear of cameras and spend some time playing dress up with my daughter.

 Please check out the talented Rebecca's blog,
Recuerda mi corazon
and get linked to all of the other
Friday Haikuers.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Haiku my heart- When she looks

 when she is looking
precocious discovery
creating herself

My little one is theatrical by nature.  She loves to look at herself in the mirror and practice her emotional faces and the conversations that she might have with others.  She began preschool last week.  It was a new school, new children, new teachers, and I was full of anxiety for her.  I was always a shy little wallflower.  My daughter is so much like me in many ways- but with a confidence that I don't think I ever had.  She ran into the school and immediately began making friends.  The teachers all remarked on her wonderful social skills - where I continue to feel awkward in a room full of strangers.  Where did she learn this?  Is it all that practicing in the mirror?  Next time I am feeling social anxiety, I think I will try to conjure up my inner Caya Papaya and see what happens:-)

 Please check out the lovely Rebecca's blog,
Recuerda mi corazon
and get linked to all of the other
Friday Haikuers.

Find a photo and join in the creativity!

Friday, September 10, 2010

no haiku today....

  I had to skip my haiku this week.  I promise to be back on track next week.  I spent all of last night eyes glued to the television set watching the fire in San Bruno.  I work in San Bruno- about 6 blocks from the fire.  I was overwhelmed thinking about the houses that I pass by on Sneath and Skyline- and of the people impacted by the tragedy.  Luckily, all of my family, friends, and clients are okay.
  I have been a little in my own head this past week.  My daughter started preschool - which she absolutely loved- and my son began daycare -which neither he nor I loved at all.  The place is wonderful and the people are caring and loving.  I know he is in good hands... I just am sad that they aren't mine.  He is such a little thing that always wants his mommy.  Anyway, it was all feeling pretty tragic... until the fire happened and  shook me out of my space of feeling sorry for myself.  My plans for this weekend include donating a huge stash of baby clothes to the red cross for the victims of the fire.  The fact that they are short on toddler clothes and infant clothes breaks my heart.
   Life is tricky... and things could always be worse. 
I am not really sure if that makes me feel all that much better.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Haiku my heart - tree

the view you must have
against blue sky and water
roots firmly attached

I took this picture overlooking the bay.  I just loved how this tree was leaning into its environment.
Hoping everyone has a lovely weekend- for many of us a much needed three day weekend!
I plan on doing lots and lots of cleaning... and hopefully some art!

Please check out the lovely Rebecca's blog,
Recuerda mi corazon
and get linked to all of the other
Friday Haikuers... (I think I just made that word up.)
Find a photo and join in the creativity!

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